The Arcade Companion 1
The Arcade Companion 1.iso
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PC-Gammon IV has an easy to use menu system.
At the bottom right portion of the screen you will see the
menu area. To select a menu item, you may either type the first
character of the menu item (i.e. "F" for Forfeit), or click the
mouse cursor (if you have a mouse) on the desired menu item.
Selecting the Options entry from the main menu will display
the options menu consisting of the following (a detailed
description of the options is at the end of this file) :
Load/Save : Load a previously saved game or
Save a game in progress.
Modem Play : Allows you to play PC-Gammon over a
modem with another PC-Gammon user.
Score History : Select player/View score history
Print Screen : Provides a graphics or asicc dump of
the screen to an IBM PC Graphics
printer/HP Laserjet or compatible.
Defaults : Allows you to set the default options
Which control the action of the game.
Tournament : Allows you to play a "Point" base
multi-game tournament against the
the computer or modem opponent.
Game Log : Writes a log of all moves to the disk.
Edit Game : Displays the game edit menu (see below).
Main Menu Commands:
If for any reason the board display should become corrupted
the XDraw command will redraw the board for you.
The Double command is used to double the stakes of the game.
Initially neither player owns the doubling cube, and it's value
is set to 1, it appears in the middle of the board. You may
offer a double when you think it is to your advantage, the
computer will offer a double when it thinks it is to its'
advantage. Either player may offer to double when the doubling
cube is unowned. As soon as one player offers to double the player
who accepts the double gets possession of the cube and then only
he may double (the cube changes color to the color of the player).
If either player refuses the double, that player forfeits the game.
If a double is refused, the computer will allow you to play out
the game if so desired. The score is updated at the time the
double is refused, and playing out the game will not affect
score keeping.
During modem play the computer will offer your double to the
other player. It is then up to the other player to accept or
refuse the double. There is no play out option during modem
If you can't play (i.e. you're on the bar and can't get off, etc.),
this command will skip the remainder of your turn and the computer
will play. The computer will not allow you to pass if you have a
valid move.
Allows you to backup to the beginning of your move. For instance
if you rolled a 6,1 and you played the six, and then decided you
could have made a better move, use the B command to back-up to
the beginning of your roll. The program also asks you if you are
sure at the end of each move. If you respond negatively, your
move will be backed up.
If you clearly see you are losing and you don't want to hear
the snide remarks the computer makes when it wins, type the "F"
key and the computer will, at it's option, either accept your
forfeit, or refuse the forfeit (if it thinks it can get a
gammon, etc). If the computer accepts your forfeit it will
be scored as a loss for you. During modem play the computer
will offer your forfeit to the other player, it is then up
to the other player to accept or refuse your forfeit.
Selecting help will display this help file on your screen.
When dinners ready or you simply can't tolerate any more
backgammon, type the Q key and the game will return you to DOS.
During modem play, the computer will inform the other player that
you are quitting and then hangup the phone before exiting to DOS.
Playing PC-Gammon
(Please Note: The bar is designated as point #0)
Rolling the Dice:
The space bar is used to roll the dice. When it's your turn to
move, hit the space bar to roll the dice. You can't roll the
dice more than once per move. The dice are rolled at the
beginning of each game to see who goes first (yours is the
left die). The player that wins that roll must use the roll
as shown. Additionally if the first roll is a double, the
doubling cube is incremented to 2 (provided auto doubles are
enabled), and you roll again to see who goes first.
Mouse Users may roll the dice by clicking the left mouse button
anywhere on the playing board or in the dice area when it is
their turn to roll the dice.
Moving Your Men:
Keyboard Users:
To move a man type an "M". A form will appear near the bottom
of the screen. Enter the location you wish to move from and
the value of the dice you wish to use separated by a comma,
(e.g entering a "12,5", would move your man from the 12 slot
5 spaces). The bar is designated as slot 0. Press enter to
complete the move or the ESC key to cancel a move.
Mouse Users:
To move a man simply click the mouse cursor on the man you
wish to move, a dot will appear in the center of the man to
indicated it has been selected. Then click the mouse cursor
on the appropriate slot you wish to move to. To deselect a
man (i.e. you changed you mind and don't wish to move
the man you selected), simply click the mouse cursor on the
selected man a second time (The dot will disappear).
Alternately, after you have selected the man you wish to move
you may click on the dice you wish to use for the move and
the man selected will be moved the appropriate number of spaces.
If you attempt an illegal move the computer will notify you with
an appropriate message.
Multiple-Move: You may move a man more than one dice at a time,
for instance if you rolled a 5 and an 3, you could move one man
eight spaces by selecting the destination slot as 8 from the
origin slot. However either the 5 or the 3 move must be a
legal move for that man.
AutoMove : If you have only one dice left the computer will
automatically move the man you click, you do not have to select
a destination slot. You can turn AutoMove off by starting the
game with the "X" parameter (see parameters above);
Bearing Off:
Keyboard Users:
Bearing off men is the same as moving them, simply select
the man you wish to bear off followed by the dice value you
wish to use to move the man.
Mouse Users:
There are two ways you can bear off using the mouse. In both
ways select the man you wish to bear off by clicking the mouse
cursor on that man, then you may either click the mouse cursor
on the die you wish to use to bear the man off with, or you may
click the mouse cursor in the "OFF" area.
The Options Menu:
Selecting the "Load/Save" button from the options menu will
cause the program to ask you if you wish to Load or Save
a game.
Load Game:
Selecting the Load Game option will bring up a directory of
previously saved games. Use the arrow keys to select the game
you wish to load and press enter, or mouse users can click
on the file name they wish to load to highlight it and then
click again to enter it.
Save Game:
Allows you to save a game in progress. Simply enter an eight
character name you wish to save the game under. File names must
conform to normal DOS file naming conventions and must not contain
a file extension. E